A How-To COVID-19 Moving Guide

Moving is daunting even without the threat of a pandemic, but as time goes on without guarantee of an end in sight, many are choosing to stop just “waiting it out.” As we have become increasingly knowledgeable and accustomed to the necessary COVID-19 precautions, pulling off a move has become increasingly feasible. And how we see it, if you’re going to be quarantined at home for the foreseeable future, it should be in the house you truly want.

Should you even move during COVID-19?

Moving during the pandemic is possible and can even be done safely, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t things to think about first. Before you travel, the CDC recommends weighing the following risk factors heavily before making the decision to move to a new location:

  1. Are you or anyone you’ll be in contact with at risk for getting very sick from COVID-19?
  2. Are cases high or increasing in your community or your destination?
  3. Are hospitals in your community or destination overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients?
  4. Does your new home have requirements or restrictions for travelers?
  5. Will you have contact with people you don’t live with 14 days or less before your move?
  6. How will you get to your new home and can you follow CDC guidelines while doing so?

How to plan for a Pandemic move

Once you’ve decided you’re ready to make your move, it’s time to get planning. This is one of the most important parts of any move, but there’s even more to consider during a pandemic.

With current shortages on supplies in stores and limited business hours for storage facilities, moving companies, and other necessary contractors, it’s important to ensure everything is in order early, especially if that move is across state or even national borders. Double check rescheduling or cancellation policies of trains, busses, airlines, or hotels before booking. If you’re in an area with higher levels of COVID-19 cases, plan what you need and make purchases early or online to limit the amount of time you’re out and about in stores.

Getting rid of possessions you no longer use or want is another way to save time and make your move easier. If you plan on donating your belongings though, do so in advance and check that donation centers around you are open and willing to take the items you’re offering.

How to prepare your new home

Giving your new home a good, thorough scrub may feel like the last thing you want to do after an exhausting day of moving, but it’s not only an important COVID-19 precaution, but a great way to start afresh in your new digs. Although studies have shown that the COVID virus cannot last as long on surfaces as originally thought, cleaning and disinfecting can still lower the risk of infection and it’s just generally good practice when entering a new home.

How else could COVID-19 affect my move?

The full consequences of COVID-19 aren’t known and they’re changing every day, so it’s important to keep a look out for the current state of your geographic area and the area you’re moving to. That being said, here some ways the pandemic could potentially affect your move.

  • Stay-at-home orders or other local precautions that affect travel to or from certain places
  • Company policies and widespread COVID-19 transmission could affect the number of workers available and allowed to aid you with your move.
  • Social distancing guidelines and quarantines could put a damper on your preparation efforts, especially if you usually enlist the help of friends to pack or unpack.
  • Money received via a federal government economic stimulus plan could be saved for moving expenses when life gets back to normal.
  • An increase in demand can result in longer-than-normal hold times to reach customer service representatives to set up internet services, utilities, or ask mortgage questions.

How can I make my COVID-19 move as safe as possible?

While government ordinances and widespread transmission may be out of your control, there are steps you can take to ensure a safe move and limit the spread of COVID-19 both for your own safety and those around you. Much of this may seem obvious, but simple hygiene and vigilance can go a long way towards ensuring your safety. The CDC recommends that you:

  • Wash your hands often
  • Avoid close contact
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a mask when around others
  • Cover coughs and sneezes
  • Clean and disinfect
  • Monitor your health daily.

Cleaning your home prior to the move and your new home afterwards are also imperative for COVID-19 safety. Disinfecting items and surfaces you touch frequently with household cleaners and EPA-registered disinfectants will ensure contaminants are promptly wiped out. If you cannot find such products in stores, you can even make your own homemade bleach solution by mixing five tablespoons of bleach per gallon of water or four teaspoons of bleach per quart of water.

How do I choose a moving company that’s right for me?

Ask your professional movers what they are doing to ensure COVID-19 safety. Most reputable movers understand the importance of safety, however, the current moment calls for an even more scrupulous eye. It’s imperative your moving team demonstrates hyper-vigilance.

At Elite Moving and Storage, we have pared down our in-person team to the most essential members to keep you as safe as possible, and for our moving experts whose jobs require in-person contact, we have a strict COVID-19 safety policy including:

  • Temperature checks for each team member before they start a shift.
  • Anyone who is not feeling well is reminded to stay home.
  • Constantly cleaned, sanitized trucks each equipped with disinfectant alcohol spray.
  • Avoiding customer handshakes and physical contact.
  • Virtual moving estimates so you can stay safely in your home
  • Daily reminders to crew members to wash their hands frequently, cough into napkins or their arm, and avoid touching their faces.
  • Our moving experts are always required to wear masks and gloves.

The faith you have put in us by allowing our expert moving team into your home is not lost on us, and our goal is to repay you by demonstrating the utmost caution and respect to you and your family’s safety. If there are additional safety protocols that you would like us to follow in your home or business, we are more than happy to comply. The health and safety of our clients and team members is always our top priority.

There will be brighter days ahead. In the meantime, if you are looking for a moving company wholly dedicated to keeping you and your loved ones safe, call us today.

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