
How to Declutter Before A Move

The thing about moving is, the less you have to move, the easier it is.  I don’t know about you, but I’m no minimalist. If you’re like me, this means that prior to any move you’ll have to go through your things and just get rid of as much junk as you can. Own clothes you are hoping will come back into fashion…someday? Do you have small kitchen appliances that seemed like a good idea when you bought them, except that you’re never going to actually grind your own coffee beans? Do you own a heap of electronics for which you’re going to get that part you need as you have the spare time (spoiler alert: you’ll never have the time)?

Then it’s time to declutter. We realize this can be a tough process for some, but the closer you are to your deadline, the harder it will be to keep things organized for your move. Fortunately, we at Elite Moving & Storage, being the best moving company around, have seen it all. We can show you exactly what to do.

Start now and start small

Even if your move is months away, don’t delay. Trust me, you’re going to have lots to do as the day arrives, and any work you can put in beforehand is good. Yes, it may seem overwhelming, but it’s easier if you can do it before the stress kicks in. The key is to do it before you’ve packed anything. Is it really worth the effort to put something into a box and move it halfway across the country, or even onto the third floor or your average Chicago walk-up, if you’re never going to use it?

Start with small spaces – a junk drawer, a cabinet. Get into your refrigerator and throw out things that are expired. Honestly, a lot of clutter happens in small spaces! You can do these quickly, and they’ll motivate you for the larger spaces as you notice that you’ve made progress. Do a little bit every day, and you’ll be surprised at how quickly the mess recedes.

Be methodical and make a plan

Decide how you’re going to attack the clutter. Have the items you will need for the process of decluttering on hand, such as trash bags or boxes for donation and storage. Know what your options are, in terms of getting rid of your stuff. Set yourself a deadline by arranging a pickup with a charity, or put an ad online for the date you’re going to have that yard sale.

Remember that initially, it’ll be pretty obvious what you need to throw away. Start with that. Then, it’ll get more difficult. Just work on decreasing the amount of stuff you have, and then focus on what’s left, one area at a time. Make goals – fill one trash bag, or set a timer for five minutes in which you just focus on getting rid of stuff. Then, set aside longer times for digging into the mess. And then just keep going!

Make it fun, and don’t stress – yet!

Invite friends over to help, and then take them out to dinner for their efforts! That way, you get a bit of assistance, and a reward to boot. Or hey, skip the helping part and just go for a reward with your friends after some of the hard work is done. That works also.

Give yourself a bit of leeway to keep things you truly love, but be strict with yourself, too. For example, if you have papers you think might be useful someday, maybe you could just scan them into your computer instead instead of taking a pile of papers with you. In the meantime, decluttering may help you unearth items you’ve forgotten about. That can be part of the fun!

Get help from Elite Moving & Storage

Depending on your personality, decluttering can be an easy process or a more difficult one, so do what you can to give yourself the advantage. And not just in decluttering – in the entire moving process! That’s what Elite is here for. We’re one of the best moving companies in the Chicagoland area, and we want to help you. Get an estimate today!

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