
How to Save on Moving Costs

There’s no way around it – moving is expensive. But hopefully, at the end of the road is a better situation, a higher quality of living, and a new start. Moving is also stressful, but you can reduce both your expenses and your anxiety by following some tips from the experts here at Elite Moving & Storage. We’ve been doing this for a long time, and we’ve seen it all! We know how to help you reduce your expenses and get the most out of the process.

Hire reasonably-priced, dependable movers

Look, we know you’re thinking, “Ha, of course they’re going to say you should hire movers because they’re a moving company.” Okay, fine. If you feel comfortable doing that, do it. But think about it carefully, and weigh the pros and cons, and calculate the costs of renting your own trucks and getting supplies yourself. Using movers can prove cheaper in the end because of their expertise and speed. Don’t forget to factor in the potential relationship outcomes of using your family as free unskilled labor.

But, do your research – contact different companies, look at reviews, and get insurance. Try to move during slow times, such as the middle of the week or the month, or winter, to reduce costs. If you need storage, see if your moving company has a deal. Remember that the more you have the moving company do, the more it will cost. So, if you can pack things on your own, do that.

Stay organized

Create a timeline that will allow you to do the tasks you need to do on a schedule you set out. Set a budget that takes every element into account. Don’t forget to count costs of packing materials. You’ll need packing paper, bubble wrap, packing tape, and other items. This might be one of your biggest expenses, so try to get boxes free from grocery stores, big retailers, and wholesalers like Costco. Check freecycling sites, liquor stores, and mail offices. The boxes must be in good condition! Note, though, that you won’t want to pack fragile items in free boxes, since you won’t know how strong they still are. Instead, invest in double-walled china boxes or dish packs.

Know what tasks you’re going to relegate to the movers and set out what you’re going to take with you personally. Know what goes where in your new home, and whether or not everything’s going to fit. Are you going to need storage? Do you have specialty items, such as a rare and valuable piano? Keep track of your expenses; you may be able to deduct them come tax time.


Moving is always a great time to unload those things you don’t need. It’s cheaper, and less work, to move fewer things. Your movers may actually charge you based on weight if you’re moving out of state, so this can be a significant savings. This might be a good opportunity to upgrade some of your belongings!

Measure your new place to find out if anything won’t fit – and then get rid of the items that don’t. Do you really need those old appliances or that treadmill you never use? Have a yard sale. Donate to charity and get the tax deduction. Ultimately, you need to be smart about what you put into your new home and how it gets there if you want to save yourself some dough.

Get more moving tips from us!

When creating your budget, don’t forget to set aside some funds for AFTER the move. You’ll need extra to get your home running at a minimum level. You’ll need to replenish your food supplies and send in deposits for utilities, at a minimum. And if your house needs repair, you’ll need to take care of that as well. You might consider selling your boxes after you’re done, at places like boxcycle.com or on Craigslist. It won’t be too much, but every little bit helps!

Want more information and advice? That’s what we’re here for! Elite Moving & Storage offers expert advice on every part of your move. Get an estimate today, and get the benefit of our years of experience moving people in and out of the Chicago area.

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