Staying Healthy During Your Move

Summer moving season is upon us. Are you moving soon? You’re not alone. Roughly 35 million Americans move each year. It is a stressful process which sometimes takes weeks and often months to prepare and complete. It is easy to get overwhelmed during the moving process and forsake your typical habits; especially when it comes to eating well. Keep in mind that your health must remain your number one priority during the move, and of course – after the move is over too.

Keep these tips in mind as you prepare to move to your new home.


Stress is one of the main reasons behind sleep loss, which is understandable considering the various pressures associated with moving. Proper sleep is super important during the moving process and the better rested you are, the better you will be able to handle the work load. The optimal sleep time remains 7-9 hours, so make a genuine effort to keep yours within that range. It is easier said than done with so much work to do, so start your moving preparation as early as possible. Also, it may be a good idea to take 30 minutes break each day during your moving process, to exercise or get a little extra sleep. A 30 minutes break can happen anytime, day or night, and you can spend it doing just about anything that helps you relax.


There’s nothing wrong with ordering a pizza every once in a while, especially if you do it after a long day of packing, cleaning, and preparing for the move. Keep in mind that it will take about the same amount of time to prepare a healthy meal as it would to have a pizza delivered. Eating well will help you keep up your energy, keep your body in shape, and keep your immune system strong. Plan your meals ahead and make sure you stock up on healthy foods – fruit and vegetables, whole grain bread, lean meats, milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs, granola bars, etc.

The kitchen is usually the first room to get packed up, meaning if you don’t think ahead you may find yourself with no choice but to eat something in a takeout container lacking in nutrition. Leave out a few kitchen items, including plates, forks, knifes, spoons, and bowl per member of your family. When it’s time to go, pack these items in a clearly marked box so you can easily access them during the unpacking stage too. That box should be the first box you unpack in your new home. Have extra snacks or a meal packed to eat when you arrive. You may not be able to run out to the grocery store right away, so it’s best to have a few options just in case.


Just as important as healthy eating while moving is making sure you’re drinking enough water, especially if you’re moving in the summer. For most people, water is the best thing to drink to stay hydrated. Sources of water also include foods, such fruits and vegetables which contain a high percentage of water. Sports drinks with electrolytes, may be useful during the move specially in very hot weather, though they tend to be high in added sugars and calories. Carbonated drinks are high in sugar and low in nutrition so you want to stay away from drinking sodas when moving. The elevated intake of carbohydrates can lead to sugar crashes and energy slumps.


If you know you’re going to have trouble sticking to a healthy eating plan during your move, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Friends and family will be glad to drop you off something healthy if you don’t have time to cook a meal or pick it up yourself, and it’s a good excuse to take a breather and share a meal.

During the moving process take time to relax, eat healthy and drink plenty of water. You will avoid stress-related illness and you will keep up your energy so you can get everything done for your move.

Have questions about how you can make your move even more stress free? Call Elite Moving & Storage today and see how we can help.

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