Tips for a Stress-Free Last Minute Move

 In a perfect world, there would be plenty of time to pack up your belongings in a steady and slow process. But we know life isn’t perfect and things can come up that can help to delay the moving process. This can leave us scrambling last minute trying to tie everything together, and it can add even more stress to an already stressful process. To try and help alleviate this problem, we’ve gone ahead and created a short list of tips to help manage moving at the last minute.

Getting Started

Take a Deep Breath – Ok, it’s go time. Take a deep breath and try to gather your thoughts. Yes, it’s last minute, but there is still more time than you think to get these things done.

Make a Plan of Action – We’ve gone over how making a comprehensive plan for every box can be a great step for staying organized and staying ahead of schedule. But what’s equally as important is making sure that when it is time to pack, that you can execute on those plans. When it becomes a last minute move, execution is everything.

You’ll want to make sure that you know roughly where everything goes and roughly where everything is going, and execute those things in an efficient manner. While you probably have more time than you might think, it’s still important to get your tasks done in an efficient manner.

Set Up Stations – Organize your belongings into stations! It’ll be easier to keep everything rolling when you have an organized system for how you’re going to pack. Set up a taping station, a boxing station, and a loading station. This will not only help you settle into a routine to keep things moving, but will also help you stay organized and reduce clutter.

Getting the Essentials

When packing last minute, it can be easy to lose track of things and/or mix things up. This is why before you do anything, you’ll want to gather up your essentials and place them or pack them separately. These are things like firearms, legal documents, pet items, and money. These are things that you will want to transport on your own and keep secure to yourself. As smooth as the moving process can be, sometimes things do get lost in the shuffle, like socks disappearing in the dryer. These types of items are things, of course, you don’t want getting lost, so it’s best to keep track of them.

Asking for Help

And finally, it’s important to remember that you don’t have to do everything alone. Whether it’s asking for help from friends and family, or utilizing our all-inclusive packing solution, packing and preparing for a big day like moving day is something that is going to take a lot of effort and time. Especially if you’re packing last minute, you’ll want to be open to help.

At Elite, we specialize in both long distance and local moves. We offer packages for all of your needs from an all-inclusive packing and moving plan to storage. At Elite, we personalize our care to each individual customer.

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