
What Tools and Supplies Do You Need For a Move?

Now that you’ve decided to move, planning for the big day- getting everyone and everything ready- is a task that can feel like it’s on the scale of a moon launch! You’ve probably got a long list of things you need to do, but there are also tools and supplies you’ll need to get organized, get packed, and make your move as stress-free as possible.

Moving Isn’t Just Tape and Boxes, But You’ll Have a Hard Time Moving Without Them

When you think of moving, you think of boxes and tape. It is true, these are essential for every move, but there are many other tools and supplies to make your move go smoother. It is important to note that there are boxes for every purpose, and to use the right box for each job. Other than boxes in every size, Elite has special packing solutions for TVs, dishes and glassware, and even your wardrobe! You’ll also need packing paper, bubble wrap, shrink wrap, and packing tape for most of your items.

What Other Supplies Do You Need for a Move?

Whether you’re moving yourself or hiring professional movers, there’ll probably be a lot of things you’ll be doing in preparation for your move, and will have to do once you arrive at your new home and start unpacking. Here’s a list of some of the essentials:

Markers – You’ll need these to label your boxes and mark where each box belongs in your new home.
Utility Knife – Very handy for cutting tape, shrink-wrapped pieces, cardboard and other tough wrapping materials.
Basic Tools – You’ll need everyday tools like hammers, screwdrivers, and wrenches to dismantle furniture, electronics and appliances, as well as to put them back together at your new home. Also, be sure to have flashlights, batteries and chargers on hand.
Gloves –A few pairs of gloves will protect your hands from cuts, scrapes, and punctures while you’re moving furniture and heavy or bulky items around your new home.
Protective Moving Equipment – Whether it’s an edge protector for a dresser or a moving blanket for wrapping a couch or moving heavy furniture, protective materials are essential for a move.

Making Your Move Less Stressful

The physical aspects of moving can be tackled more confidently when you have the tools you need to get packed, unpacked, and up and running! We hope that you will find this basic list helpful for this, and future moves.

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